Tone Gjertsen

Tone Gjertsen has 25 years of experience with real estate in general and planning law in particular.
Tone advices large public and private clients in planning and building issues, both legal and strategic capacity. Her legal advice includes everything, from the start of the planning process via any impact assessments, development agreements, reimbursement, expropriation, building application including issues regarding applicants, designers and contractors role in the application process until completion. Tone has very good knowledge of the property development industry and understands the needs of commercial developers. She collaborates with architects, engineers and other consultants if this can contribute to the best possible result for the client.
From her time at the Agency for Planning and Building Services in Oslo, she has very good understanding of the municipal planning and building proceedings, both administratively and politically. Tone's disciplines also includes land division, boundary adjustments and sectioning of buildings. She has also made a new plot structure for Bjørvika in Oslo.
Issues related to developer’s duty to provide public infrastructure, cost sharing or reimbursement for such costs, as well as expropriation/land acquisition, does also fall within her field. Tone assists in connection with voluntary and compulsory solutions for land acquisition and/or cost sharing, and has considerable experience with representing parties on either sides in such processes.
Tone is a sought after lecturer in her field and regularly conducts courses for clients and other lawyers. Her digital course module in development agreements is offered through Juristenes Utdanningssenter as part of mandatory follow-up studies for Norwegian lawyers. She is also part of Juristenes Utdanningssenter’s professional committee in planning law. Tone is one of the major contributors to "Handbook in development agreements" which is published by Norsk Eiendom, and also DLA Pipers own "DevelopersABC".
Member of The Norwegian Bar Association.
Tone is recommended for Real Estate by The Legal 500, 2024.

Tone is recommended for Real Estate by The Legal 500, 2023.

Tone is recommended for Real Estate by The Legal 500, 2020.

Magnus Lutnæs leads the practice, which also includes the 'patient and persistent' Bjørn Slaatta, Anders Bergene, Thomas Rindahl Håkonsen and planning specialist Tone Gjertsen, who is 'in short, a dream lawyer'.