Camilla Wollan

Country Managing Partner
Engelsk, norsk

Camilla Wollan rådgir innenfor finanssektoren og er spesialist innen finansiell regulering og teknologi. Hun arbeider med virksomhetslovgivning og lån-, betalings-, forsikring- og verdipapirtjenester i det norske markedet, herunder på IT systemsiden. Camilla har, som en del av et internasjonalt advokatfirma, særskilt fokus på grenseoverskridende finansielle tjenester og produkter innenfor EU/EØS. Hun bistår IT selskaper, banker, forsikringsforetak, betalings- og e-pengeforetak, samt oppstartsbedrifter i Norge, så vel som internasjonale aktører med norsk virksomhetsfokus.

Camilla leder DLA Pipers satsing innenfor finansiell teknologi og har siden 2016 arbeidet med utvikling av nye konsepter og digitale forretningsmodeller gjennom TheFactory, som er en norsk innovasjonsarena og i andre akseleratormiljøer. Camilla har fulgt utvikling av nye sektorer som folkefinansiering, krypto og digitale aktiva tett gjennom sitt arbeide. Hun har lang erfaring med utvikling av nye forretningsmodeller innen finanssektoren.

Camilla har dyp ekspertise på kravene som blir stilt til regulerte foretak, produkt og tjenestekrav, IKT regulering, utkontraktering, compliance, mv. Hun har som en del av sin praksis, vært innleid hos flere banker, og har praktisk erfaring med å implementere nye regelverk, og lede store prosjekter for kunder. Hun er, sammen med Eilin Schjetne hos CEO hos EedenBull, leder for en nettverks- og faggruppe for fremtidens banktjenester og finansiell regulering under JUC-paraplyen, et faglig forum som adresserer de strukturelle endringene innen finanssektoren og praktiske løsninger på disse.

University of Bergen, Cand. jur.

Medlem i Den Norske Advokatforening

Styringsgruppen i Oslo Blockchain Cluster

Leder i Nettverk for Fremtidens bank- finansiell regulering

Tidligere erfaring
Country Managing Partner, DLA Piper Norway
2024 -
Partner, DLA Piper Norway
2019 -
Assosiert partner, DLA Piper Norway
2012 - 2019
Senioradvokat, DLA Piper Norway
2010 - 2012
Juridisk rådgiver, SpareBank 1 Markets AS
2009 - 2010
Advokat, Nordic Trustee ASA, Oslo
2008 - 2009
Juridisk rådgiver, Kaupthing Bank
2007 - 2008
Advokat, Thommessen
2001 - 2007
Konserntrainee, Storebrand
1999 - 2001
Chambers Fintech, 2025

Camilla Wollan has a strong reputation in financial regulation. She often works with FinTech start-ups and advises on new business models and products. "Camilla is fantastic."

Rangert i Band 1.

The Legal 500, 2024

Camilla er anbefalt innenfor Insurance og Banking and finance av The Legal 500, 2024.

Chambers & Partners Europe, 2024

Camilla Wollan assists fintech and startup companies with financial regulatory compliance topics, as well as application processes with the Norwegian Financial Supervisory Authority. One client says: 

"Camilla Wollan has broad experience within the various aspects of Norwegian capital markets and finance legislation."

Chambers FinTech, 2024

Camilla Wollan is attentive, extremely intelligent, and knows her stuff when it comes to FinTech, banking, and regulatory frameworks. She never ceases to impress. A true star of the legal FinTech world.

Rangert i Band 1.

The Legal 500, 2023

Camilla er anbefalt innenfor Insurance og Banking and finance av The Legal 500, 2023.

Chambers FinTech, 2023

Camilla Wollan has a strong reputation in financial regulation. She often works with FinTech startups and advises on new business models and products.

Rangert i Band 1.

Chambers & Partners Europe, 2023

Camilla Wollan assists fintech and startup companies with financial regulatory compliance topics, as well as application processes with the Norwegian Financial Supervisory Authority.

 The Legal 500, 2022

Camilla Wollan has great knowledge and insight into the regulatory framework and a practical understanding of the financial sector. She is highly capable and experienced. She provides swift and accurate advice and is highly recommendable.

Camilla er anbefalt innenfor Insurance og Banking and finance av The Legal 500, 2022.

Chambers Fintech, 2022

Camilla Wollan has a strong reputation built on her deep expertise in financial regulation. Wollan is dedicated to the Norwegian startup community and acts as a mentor in TheFactory accelerator programme, of which DLA Piper is legal partner. A source notes: "She's very commercial, solution-oriented and has a good strategic mindset." Another interviewee enthuses: "Camilla is a joy to work with. She's very knowledgeable and takes a very pragmatic approach."

Rangert i Band 1.

Chambers & Partners Europe, 2022

Camilla Wollan advises banks and other financial institutions on regulatory issues. "She is dedicated and results-oriented. In short, Camilla gets the job done," a client says.

Banking & Finance: Regulatory

The Legal 500, 2021

Camilla er anbefalt innenfor Insurance og Banking and finance av The Legal 500, 2021.

Chambers & Partners Europe, 2021

Camilla Wollan advises banking and financial institutions on regulatory issues, with clients highlighting her notable experience.

Chambers FinTech, 2021

Camilla Wollan has a strong reputation built on her deep expertise in financial regulation. Wollan is dedicated to the Norwegian startup community and acts as a mentor in TheFactory accelerator programme, of which DLA Piper is legal partner. Sources say: "She is extremely active, and is connected with many accelerators and many of the startups there."

The Legal 500, 2020

Anbefalt innenfor Finance and projects av The Legal 500, 2020.

Chambers & Partners Europe, 2020

Camilla Wollan advises banking and financial institutions on regulatory issues connected to their business operations, including establishing start-ups and new financial products. One client describes her as an "excellent lawyer who is very quick to respond and has excellent market knowledge."

Chambers FinTech, 2020

Partner Camilla Wollan has a strong reputation built on her deep expertise in financial regulation. Camilla is dedicated to the Norwegian startup community and acts as a mentor in TheFactory accelerator programme, of which DLA Piper is legal partner. Sources praise Camilla for "being curious and wanting to learn," adding that "she has a strong presence in the FinTech community."

Chambers & Partners, 2019

"Up-and-coming Camilla Wollan focuses her practice on regulatory and compliance assistance, and draws praise for her "high technical interest in cryptocurrencies and fintech." Clients include traditional banking institutions and cutting-edge startups."

Chambers & Partners Europe, 2018

"Up-and-coming Camilla Wollan has a focus on regulatory and compliance issues relating to financial transactions. She receives plaudits for her work on complex transactions, with clients praising her responsiveness: "I know that she knows exactly what the matter is about and more importantly, what we need." Another source appreciates her management skills, stating that "she co-ordinates work internally with the team very well" and has "a confident level of oversight."