Egil Hatling

Egil Hatling arbeider i hovedsak med forretningsjuridisk rådgivning, med hovedvekt på restrukturering, konkurs/gjeldsforhandlinger, pant, granskning og prosedyre. Han leder vår faggruppe i Norge for Restrukturering, Insolvens og Konkurs.
Hatling benyttes ofte som rådgiver for selskapers styrer og ledelse, og har også omfattende styreerfaring. Han arbeider også mye med styre- og profesjonsansvar. Hatling har også en særskilt prosedyrekompetanse tilknyttet insolvens- og konkursrettslige saker, arrester og midlertidige forføyninger, økonomiske straffesaker samt profesjons- og styreansvar.
Hatling har i en årrekke jevnlig blitt oppnevnt som bostyrer i konkursbo og rekonstruktør ved flere av landets domstoler.
Hatling er også forfatter av boken Konkursrett i et nøtteskall, utgitt på Gyldendal forlag i 2018, og har vært sensor ved juridisk fakultet ved Universitetet i Oslo.
- Medlem i Den Norske Advokatforening
- Medlem INSOL Europe
Egil er anbefalt innenfor Insolvency and Corporate Recovery av The Legal 500, 2024.

Egil Hatling advises clients on domestic and cross-border restructuring and bankruptcy mandates. He also handles contentious insolvency-related issues. Clients says:
"Egil has strong business acumen and commercial understanding."
"Egil Hatling quickly forms a picture of the matter, how it can be resolved and at what level. He is good at bringing in various resources that are necessary to handle the assignment in a good way."

‘Johan Ratvik and Egil Hatling: both very efficient, competent and very pleasant to work with.’
Egil er anbefalt innenfor Insolvency and Corporate Recovery av The Legal 500, 2023.

Egil Hatling advises clients on restructuring topics and contentious bankruptcy mandates. One client says: "Egil Hatling is always available and committed to doing the best possible job for us."

Egil er anbefalt innenfor Insolvency and Corporate Recovery av The Legal 500, 2022.

Egil er rangert innen Restructuring/Insolvency av Chambers & Partners, 2022.

‘Egil Hatling is very accessible and has a very good instinct for practical solutions.’
‘Egil Hatling is refreshingly clear in his priorities, and did not hesitate to make necessary, albeit unpopular decisions in order to bring matters forward. He is a tough negotiator.’
Egil er anbefalt innenfor Insolvency and corporate recovery av The Legal 500, 2021.

Egil Hatling assists clients with restructuring topics and contentious bankruptcy mandates. A client states: "I like the speed of his response, and his ability to sit down and understand the challenge and put together a team that can work effectively for my needs. He also has a practical approach and does not overcomplicate things."

Egil er anbefalt innenfor Restructuring and insolvency av The Legal 500, 2020.

Egil Hatling is well known for his expertise in dispute resolution and also acts on restructuring and insolvency mandates. One client comments: "He is a highly engaged, proactive and supportive practitioner. We're very well informed and I completely trust his opinion and guidance."

DLA Piper's clients feel 'valued and important' thanks to 'a sympathetic, knowledgeable and competent' department led by Egil Hatling, who 'takes good care of his clients from beginning to end'.

Egil Hatling is described by a client as a "polite, dedicated and smart man." He advises on financial restructurings and is also regularly appointed as a bankruptcy trustee. He advised The Future Group on its restructuring.

Department head Egil Hatling's practice covers restructuring, insolvency cases and disputes. Clients attest to his breadth of knowledge, noting that he has a "broad understanding of commercial issues and well-developed business acumen," and is able to "deliver difficult messages without having people get aggressive. It's very hard to dislike him."