Topprangeres i kategorien "FinTech" av Chambers
Den anerkjente internasjonale advokatguiden Chambers & Partners rangerer nå for første gang norske advokater og advokatfirmaer innen kategorien "FinTech". Partner Camilla Wollan anses av guiden som ledende innen feltet og plasseres i band 1. Videre plasseres DLA Piper Norway som firma i band 2.
Slik omtales vår FinTech-kompetanse i den anerkjente advokatguiden:
Benefiting from the firm's global reach, DLA Piper provides an internationalised service to players in the Norwegian FinTech market, including startups and accelerators. Its offering is bolstered by the combined strengths of its finance, corporate and intellectual property teams.
"They are very open minded when it comes to working on issues related to new technology, and they never charge just to charge."
Work highlights
Acts as sole counsel to TheFactory, an Oslo-based accelerator program for FinTech startups.
Advised Perx Folkefinansiering AS on all regulatory aspects of establishing a peer-to-peer online lending platform targeting the retail market.
Notable practitioners
Camilla Wollan specialises in financial regulation, with particularly deep experience in advising hubs and accelerators. Clients appreciate that she is "curious and wants to learn," while one impressed source notes: "In terms of cryptocurrency and blockchain, she is one of Norway's best lawyers."
Se også "Hennes klienter utfordrer finansbransjen med krypto, blockchain og kunstig intelligens", som gir et innblikk i hvordan Camilla og DLA Piper jobber med FinTech-selskaper.