Arne Engesæth

Arne Engesæth arbeider innenfor kontraktsrett med særlig vekt på prosjekter. Arbeidet er knyttet så vel til forhandlinger og kontraktsutforming, som bistand i prosjektgjennomføring og ved konflikter. Videre har han spesialkompetanse innen olje- og gasskontrakter, entreprise, prosessanlegg, konsulentkontrakter, IT-kontrakter og fast eiendom. Engesæth er mye brukt som mekler og voldgiftsdommer.
Arne Engesæth er rangert som en av Norges fremste eksperter innen sine spesialområder. Han er blant annet rangert som ”leading” innen construction både i Legal 500 og i Chambers Europe. Engesæth er videre rangert som en av Norges ledende advokater både i kategorien entrepriserett og i kategorien offshore og oljeservice i Finansavisens advokatundersøkelse.
Medlem i Advokatforeningens meklingsutvalg.
Arne er rangert i Hall of Fame innenfor Construction.

Senior statesperson Arne Engesæth is renowned for his longstanding presence in Norway's construction industry. He regularly acts as mediator and arbitrator in construction disputes. One client says:
"Arne Engesæth has a very strong level of client service and finds the core issues in a case very quickly."

Arne er rangert i Hall of Fame innenfor Construction.

Senior statesperson Arne Engesæth is a highly respected lawyer in the market. He acts as mediator and arbitrator in construction disputes.

Arne Engesæth, a highly regarded mediator in the construction space, ‘combines a strong legal knowledge and skill with commercial experience and insight and very good communicative abilities‘.
‘Arne Engesæth – Honest, to the point, good at seeing risk.’
Hall of Fame, Construction.

Senior practitioner Arne Engesæth is a highly respected lawyer in the market. He boasts extensive experience in construction disputes and additionally acts as mediator and arbitrator in arbitration proceedings.

Anbefalt innenfor Dispute resolution av The Legal 500, 2021.
Hall of Fame, Construction.

Arne Engesæth is a highly respected lawyer in the market. He boasts extensive experience in construction disputes and additionally acts as mediator and arbitrator in arbitration proceedings.

Rangert som Leading Individual av The Legal 500 innen Construction i 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 og 2020.
I tillegg er Arne anbefalt innenfor Litigation and arbitration av The Legal 500, 2020.

Arne Engesæth handles final settlement disputes relating to projects in the infrastructure, energy and food production sectors. He is noted for his expertise in alternative dispute resolution proceedings, particularly mediation.

A distinguished name in construction law, Arne Engesæth is recognised for his prowess in contentious mandates, particularly arbitration and mediation proceedings. One client praises his "good communication skills," while another source says: "He has a very good reputation." His cases often involve energy and infrastructure projects.

Interviewees unanimously recognise Arne Engesæth's wealth of experience assisting clients with matters relating to both onshore and offshore construction, as well as a particular expertise in drafting and negotiating contracts. Sources report that he is "good in negotiations." He works for a range of industries including the oil and gas sector.
Ranked in Band 1 in the Construction section

Arne Engesæth is described by clients as an "experienced senior lawyer with good technical knowledge, good negotiation skills and is sharp in every situation." He is a contract law specialist who is skilled in both drafting and negotiations, representing a number of clients in the oil and gas sector. He is also adept at handling project development issues and litigation.
Ranked in Band 1 in the Construction section

Arne Engesæth enjoys an excellent reputation in the field, and his work includes commercial property, housing projects and disputes. Interviewees highlight his vast experience in the field and say: "He is a skilled lawyer," with one client adding: "He is very honest with you and extremely good on strategy and tactical actions."
Ranked in Band 1 in the Construction section

Arne Engesæth specialises in construction disputes in relation to both onshore and offshore projects, and is also recommended for his expertise in construction contracts. Sources consider him "a classic name in construction in Norway" who has "very good standing."
Ranked in Band 1 in the Construction section