Erik Ramm

Erik Ramm er partner på DLA Pipers Oslo-kontor og er rangert som en av Norges aller fremste eksperter innen bank og finans av Chambers Global, Chambers Europe, IFLR1000 og Legal 500, samt i Finansavisens årlige advokatundersøkelse.
Ramm har ledet og arbeidet med store og komplekse transaksjoner. Han jobber med garantirett og panterett, generell selskapsrett, insolvens, finansiering herunder prosjektfinansiering og norske og internasjonale obligasjonslån, internasjonal leasing, bedriftsoppkjøp, samt fusjoner/fisjoner, og har de siste 20 årene vært medvirkende i å forme det lokale markedet. Erik arbeider med, og fungerer som, strategisk rådgiver for alle de store bankene, samt en rekke store bedrifter i Norge.
Medlem i Den Norske Advokatforening
Hall of Fame, Banking and finance.

Senior practitioner Erik Ramm assists with a range of financing and refinancing matters in a whole host of industries, including the shipping and energy sectors. Clients says:
"He is a very experienced and skilled financing lawyer."
"Erik is very pragmatic and skilled."
"Erik Ramm is very competent, very efficient in his work, and very prompt."

Hall of Fame, Banking and finance.

Senior practitioner Erik Ramm assists with a range of financing and refinancing matters in a whole host of industries, including the shipping and renewable energy sectors.

Hall of Fame, Banking and finance.

Senior practitioner Erik Ramm assists with a range of financing and refinancing matters in a whole host of industries, including the offshore and construction sectors.

Erik Ramm assists with a range of financing and refinancing matters in a whole host of industries, including the offshore, construction and fish farming sectors.

Erik har vært rangert som Leading individual innen Banking and Finance i en årrekke av The Legal 500, inkludert i 2020.

Erik Ramm assists with a range of financing and refinancing matters in a whole host of industries, including the offshore and fish farming sectors. One client describes him as both "solution-oriented" and "very service-oriented," and also notes his "broad experience."

Rangert som topp 10 på listen over landets fremste advokater innen "Bank og Finans".
The "highly experienced" Erik Ramm provides "clear and well-thought-through advice in complex situations" concerning restructurings, refinancings and loan workouts.

Ranked in Legal 500s Hall of Fame.

Sources note that Erik Ramm is "very experienced and well recognised." He has extensive experience in restructuring and advanced loan workouts.

Erik Ramm is a top-tier practitioner who joins the team from Wiersholm, bringing his unrivalled depth of knowledge in the banking and finance market. One client remarks: "He is extremely experienced and has a broad network of contacts." Peers also confirm his high standing in the market: "He has always been one of the best in Norway."
Ranked in Band 1 in the Banking and Finance section.

Erik Ramm joined the firm in June 2016 and is highly commended for his knowledge in a variety of banking and finance matters, including leasing and mortgage agreements, insolvency and M&A-related financing matters. Clients describe him as "high quality and someone who tries to minimise the amount of work and costs." Recent projects have included debt refinancing, sale-and-leaseback agreements and advising banking syndicates on lending mandates.
Ranked in Band 1 in the Banking and Finance section.