Magnus Løvlien Lutnæs

Magnus Lutnæs er partner i vår eiendomsavdeling. Han fokuserer på eiendomstransaksjoner, strukturering og forvaltning av eiendomsporteføljer, leiekontrakter og utvikling.
Han har bred erfaring fra en rekke komplekse eiendomstransaksjoner. Dette omfatter blant annet bistand til strukturering, finansiering, kontraktsutforming, forhandlinger, joint ventures, W&I forsikring og due diligence. Han bistår jevnlig lokale og utenlandske investorer ved kjøp, løpende eiendomsforvaltning og salg.
Han bistår videre ledende eiendomsselskaper ved eiendomsutvikling, både for næringsformål, spesialbygg som terminaler, logistikkbygg og datasentre, og ved større boligprosjekter. Arbeidet hans omfatter også bistand til eiendomsbesittere og leietakere ved leieforhold samt drift og forvaltning av ulike typer næringseiendom.
Medlem i Den Norske Advokatforening
‘We have worked a lot with Magnus Løvlien Lutnæs (Head of Real Estate, Norway). We had some really challenging and difficult cases where Magnus was not only a lawyer, but a ‘psychologist’, and sociologist that made us solve these cases in a beneficial way for us’
Magnus er anbefalt innenfor Real Estate av The Legal 500, 2024.

‘We will especially give mention to Magnus Lutnæs, who has not only acted as a lawyer but also as sociologist and psychologist in special negotiations with landowners.’
Magnus er anbefalt innenfor Real Estate av The Legal 500, 2023.

Magnus er anbefalt innenfor Real Estate av The Legal 500, 2022.

Magnus er anbefalt innenfor Real Estate av The Legal 500, 2021.

Magnus er anbefalt innenfor Real Estate av The Legal 500, 2020.

DLA Piper ‘proves itself a reliable business partner’ under the leadership of Magnus Lutnæs, who is ‘a service-minded, proactive and trusted adviser’.

Magnus Lutnæs leads DLA Piper’s ‘outstanding’ team, which excels in advising international investors on portfolio transactions.

"Up-and-coming Magnus Lutnæs is popular with clients and peers alike, and is described as "very pleasant to work with." He handles real estate transactions and also leads the hotel and leisure group.

"Up-and-coming real estate partner Magnus Lutnæs is praised for the "balanced view" he brings to transactions. Along with other team members, he advised BundeGruppen on acquiring shares and structuring a joint venture for several development projects.

"DLA Piper's six-partner team has a focus on a number of specialist areas including retail, healthcare and senior housing, and advises clients across the spectrum of issues including financing, acquisitions and disposals, fund structuring and leasing. [...] The 'service-minded' Magnus Løvlien Lutnæs is recommended for real estate transactions in the hotels sector."