Christian P.N. Fenner

Christian P. N. Fenner leder DLA Pipers Corporate-avdeling i Norge.
Fenner arbeider hovedsakelig med transaksjoner, med vekt på strategisk rådgivning, forhandlinger og utarbeidelse av kontrakter ved overdragelse av virksomhet. Hans primære fagområder er selskaps- og kontraktsrett, i tillegg har han særskilt kompetanse når det kommer til rådgivning til aktører innen private equity- og venture capital-bransjen.
Han har betydelig erfaring med grenseoverskridende transaksjoner for både nasjonale og internasjonale oppkjøpsfond og industrielle aktører.
Medlem i Den Norske Advokatforening

Anbefalt innenfor Commercial, Corporate and M&A av The Legal 500, 2024.

Christian Fenner frequently assists with private equity deals. He also has experience acting for listed companies on transactions. One client says: "Christian Fenner has a lot of experience in negotiations and gives good insight and input."

‘Christian Fenner is an excellent partner.’
‘Christian Fenner has a unique ability to always be one step ahead. He is able to boil down complex legal matters and follow up with practical suggestions for solutions.’
Anbefalt innenfor Commercial, Corporate and M&A av The Legal 500, 2023.

Christian P. N. Fenner frequently assists with private equity deals. He also has experience acting for listed companies on transactions. One client says: "He is always proactive and solution-oriented."

‘Christian Fenner is truly committed to his clients and walks the last mile.’
Anbefalt innenfor Commercial, Corporate and M&A av The Legal 500, 2022.

Christian Fenner joins the rankings this year following notable market recognition. He regularly acts for private equity firms on transactions. One client says: "He is an excellent lawyer across all facets, and is especially strong in terms of project management. He is always on top of things and into the details."

Anbefalt innenfor Commercial, Corporate and M&A av The Legal 500, 2021.

‘Christian Fenner is by far the best lawyer we work with. Extraordinarily well prepared and hands-on. Excellent communication and project management skills. You feel you are a very important customer.‘
‘Christian Fenner is a down to earth person. Makes sure that his team tailor-made the report to match our needs and had good attention to detail.‘
Christian er anbefalt i kategorien Corporate av The Legal 500, 2020.